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Waiting on God. 1 Samuel 10:8

"Go down ahead of me to Gilgal. I will surely come down to you to sacrifice burnt offerings, but you must wait seven days, until I come to you and tell you what your are to do." (1 Samuel 10:8, NIV)

This passage deals with a "waiting period" that King Saul needed to go through. Samuel gave very specific instructions on what Saul needed to do. Unfortunately, as Israel troops began to scatter when confronted with the Philistine army, Saul completely lost his patience and offered the burnt offering himself.

Samuel confronted Saul and held him accountable, "You have acted foolishly. You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you." (1 Samuel 13:13) Saul's lack of patience showed the true act of his heart, which was a lack of faith in God.

Listen carefully to God's instruction and wait on God's timing. His planning and timing in your life is always better than your planning and timing. Wait patiently on the Lord.


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