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What’s our action plan? – part 2. Prob 3:5-6

“Life is like a box of chocolates…….”

- Forrest Gump

I don’t know about the chocolate part but I will agree with Forrest on this; our life or at least how we live our lives is definitely a lot like a box. A box with a choice that is. Like a box we are created to be filled up with one thing or another. So, when it comes to the direction of our lives we can do one of two things to determine how we are filled up. We are either going to strive to fill the box up ourselves with our hopes, our dreams, our desires, our efforts, and our plans and then pridefully present it before the Lord and say “God, here is my box. Please bless this box. It’s the best that I can see for myself. It is everything that I want.” Friends, the outcome of such a plan is well, best described as…….”You never know what you’re gonna get.” But I can tell you that there is a better way. We can choose to present our box EMPTY before the Almighty in surrender and say, “here I am Lord. Fill me up with what You see: with Your hopes, Your vision, Your desires, & Your plan.” Can’t we all agree the latter is sweeter than anything our self-filled up box could ever produce? We may not always see the bigger picture but we know what we are going to get with giving God our box: we get Him. His blessings. His direction. His hand on everything we do. Give me that kind of box. I want that action plan from here on out!

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.”


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